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ISO and JIS activities in JICEF

ISO (International Organization for Standardization) and JIS (Japanese Industrial Standards) Committees

ISO/TC70 (reciprocating engines) and ISO/TC70/SC8 (reciprocating engines - exhaust emission measurement) International Meetings

Members of the Domestic Deliberation  Committee attend the annual international meetings on reciprocating internal combustion engines and exhaust emission measurement, and are working to reflect the deliberation results of the Domestic Deliberation Committee on ISO standards.

ISO/TC70/SC7 (reciprocationg engines - tests for lubricating oil filters) International Meetings

Lubricating oil filter testing is entrusted to the Filter Technology Subcommittee of Japan Auto Parts Industries Association (JAPIA) to deliberate the draft standard, and the ISO Subcommittee International Meetings are attended by this subcommittee.

ISO/TC192 (gas turbines)

Domestic deliberations are discussing issues related to gas turbine safety, exhaust and hear recovery unit specifications, and gas turbine procurement specifications that are currently being revised and discussed. They are working to reflect the results of the delivsrations in ISO standards.

Domestic Standardization Business

JIS drafting committees for reciprocating internal combustion engines and gas turbines have been set up separately to ensure consistency with ISO and contribute to drafting JIS.

Examples of JIS Drafting committee meeting appearance

Standardization Project System in JICEF

Standardization Project Organization Chart in JICEF

As Shown below, the organization for the standardization project [ISO(International Organization for Standardization) - related and domestic standardization - related projects] in JICEF is the "JICESC/Japan Internal Combustion Engine Standard Committee for ISO" as the dtanding committee in charge. Belowthat, there is a committee for deliberating ISO standards (permanent, reviewing committee members every year) and a committee for drafting JIS (Japanese Industrial Standards) drafts (established for a single year if necessary).

Organization Chart of Japan Internal Combustion Engine Standard Committee (JICESC)




Japan Internal Combusiton
Engine Federation

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