
JICEF contributes to the internal combustion engine industry from a new perspective.

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JICEF One Day Seminar (in Japanese)

For the purpose of providing and disseminating related technical information to members and related parties, JICEF hold three one day seminars annually. The following lectures were held recently.

On 25th March, 2019 at Tokyo (129 participants):

"Thinking about 2020 fuels - Possible problems and contermeasures"
- How to cope with the 0.5% sulfur content regulation for marine fuels that will be effective from 2020 -

On 26th September 2019 at Tokyo (91 participants):

"Development Trends and Latest information on Automatic Operation and Autonomous Opertaion"
- When can automatic and autonomouns operations be realized? What is the responxe of classification societies, shipping companies, engine manufacurers and research institutions? -

On 16th December 2019 at Kobe (82 participants):

"29the CIMAC Vancouver Congress (Highlights of Presentation Papers) Report Seminar"
- Global internal combustion engine technology development trends related to fuel, environment and digitalization -

On 17th March 2021, Webinar (100 Participants):

"Latest information on IMO GHG Reduction Strategy Measures"
- Measures to reduce GHG are fuel, battery, renewable energy...? -

On 17th June 2021, Webinar (88 Participants):
"Latest Trend of Future Diesel Engine Exhaust Emission Abatement Technologies and Regulations (other than GHG)"
-Exhaust Emission Abatement Measures other than GHG such as NOx Tier III Reugalation, PM and black carbon? -

On 4th November 2021, Webinar (83 Participants):
"Status after the Implementation of IMO Sulphur Cap 2020"
- What are the Problems Caused by Fuel Oil and the Procurement of Compliant Fuel oils? -

On 15th February 2022, Webinar (119 Participants):
"Latest Trends in Gas Engine and Dual Fuel Engine Developments"
- What are your efforts to realize Decarbonization? -

On 5th September 2022, Webinar (126 Participants):
"Trends in Decarbonaized Fuel supply Chain"
- The Latest Information on Hydrogen, Ammonia and Biofuel Supply Chains -

On 22nd December 2022, Webinar (70 Participants):
"ISO/JIS Revision Trends in Exhaust Emission Measurements for Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines"
- Current Revision Trends in Exhaust Emission Measurements and Companies' Exhasut Emission Measurement Initiatives -

On 9th March 2023, Webinar (72 Participatns):
"Latest Trends in the Efforts of Component and Ancillary Equipment Manufacturers for the Development of Future Internal Combustion Engines"
- How should engine components and auxiliaries be adapted to a carbon-neutral future internal combustion engines? -

On 4th December 2023, at Kobe (77 Participatns)
"30th CIMAC Busan Congress (Highlights of Presentation Papers) Report Seminar"
- Global internal Combustion engine Technology Trends on Zero Emissions, Intelligent Prime Movers, Basic Research, etc. -

Scenes of the Seminar held on 25th March, 2019



Japan Internal Combusiton
Engine Federation

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FAX +81-3-6457-9787
e-mail: jicef_office@jicef.org

Room 203, 2nd Floor, NIT Tsukiji Bldg. ,
14-3, Tsukiji 2-chome,
104-0045 Japan

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