English Home>About activities>mirror WGs in JICEF
CIMAC was Established in 1951 (also known as 1950) under the proposition of France (the secretariat was then Paris) as international organization on internal combustion engines. As of March 2024, it consists of members of the National Member Association (NMA) from 16 countries and 14 corporate members (CM) from 9 countries. The secretariat is located in Frankfurt, Germany. JICEF is its representative organization in Japan and operates the following CIMAC activities in Japan. (Please refer to the website of the CIMAC Central Secretariat https://www.cimac.com/.)
The board members of CIMAC are elected from the council,, and consists of 12 members, the President, nine Vice Presidents, the Past President, and the Secretary-General. Yasuyuki Takahata is currently working as a Vice President from Japan.
There are Working groups to conduct research and create recommendations and position papers on internal combustion engines (WG: 11 WGs as of March 2024)
The JICEF basically has each Mirror Group Meeting for the WG, and holds a biannual Mirror Groups Leaders’ Meeting to exchange information between WGs. (Chair of Mirror Groups Leaders’ Meeting: Yasuyuki Takahata / YANMAR Power Technology)
WG No. | Working Group | Mirror Working Group's Leader |
2 | Classification | Hiromi Nishizaki (Mitsui E&S) |
4 | Crankshaft Rules | Kenichiro Hirao (Kobe Steel) |
5 | Exhaust Emission Control | |
7 | Fuels | Atsushi Takeda (Nippon Yuka Kogyo) |
8 | Marine Lubricants | Keisuke Shimokawa (Daihatsu Diesel MFG) |
15 | Controls and Automation | Makoto Ideguchi (Nabtesco Corporation) |
17 | Gas Engines | Kazuteru Toshinaga (YANMAR Power Technology) |
19 | Technology for Inland Waterway Vessels | Yoshinori Sasaki (YANMAR Power Technology) |
20 | System Integration | |
21 | Propulsion | Teiichiro Shinji (Kawasaki Heavy Industries) |