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CIMAC Far East NMAs Meetings

CIMAC Far East NMAs Meetings

The CIMAC Far East NMAs Meeting was started in November 2010 under the leadership of CIMAC Chairman Mr. Ito (at that time) with the host country holding a meeting by rotation once a year to revitalize CIMAC activities from Far East.

In particular, it was expected to actively participate in and contribute to CIMAC activities by Korea, the world leader in marine engine production, and China, experiencing remarkable growth. The progress of the event to date is as follows.

 NO.  Schedule  Venue  Organizers
 1  11th Nov., 2010  Tokyo, Japan  JICEF
 2  18th Aug., 2011  Qingdao, China  CSICE/QMD
 3  15th July, 2012  Ulsan, Korea  KOFCE/HHI
 4  2nd-4th Oct., 2013  Nagasaki, Japan  JICEF
 5  15th-17th Jan., 2014  Chongqing, China  CSICE
 6  16th-18th July, 2015  Mokpo, Korea  KOFCE/MNMU
 7  6th-8th Oct., 2016  Nagahama, Japan  JICEF/Yanmar
 8  12th-14th Oct., 2017  Xhaoxing, China  CSICE/SMDERI/Nigbo C.S.I./Ningbo Rake Forester
 9  4th-6th July, 2018  Seoul, Korea  KOFCE/MNMU
 10  16th-18th Oct., 2019  Niigata, Japan  JICEF/IHI Power Systems
 11  16th August, 2024  Qingdao, China  CSICE

The Contents of the 11th meeting held in 2024 are as follows.
 1  Welcome Speech from CSICE
 2  Schedule/Agenda of 11th CIMAC Far East Meeting (CSICE)
 3  Confirmation of the Minutes of the Last Meeting (JICEF)
 4  Activities of NMAs (CSICE/JICEF/KOFCE)
 5  CIMAC WGs activities under JICEF, KOFCE and CSICE
 6  Date & veue of next meeting
 7  Others, if any
 8  Closing Speech from CSICE



Japan Internal Combusiton
Engine Federation

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