Japan Internal Combusiton Engine Federation (JICEF) celebrated its 70th
anniversary in February 2024!
about JICEF
Our objective
Japan Internl Combustion Engine Federation (JICEF) contributes to the promotion
Japan's internal combustion engine industry through the following activities
Our Main Activities
- CIMAC-related Activities
- Standardization Activities
- Dissemination and PR Activities
- New Location of JICEF
The JICEF office moved on 26th November 2024 and has started operations
at the new location.
New address:
Room 203, 2nd floor, NIT Tsukiji Building,
14-3 Tsukiji 2-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 104-0045
Telephone and fax numbers remain unchanged.
- The Special Commemorative Lectures and Celebration of the 70th Anniversary
of JICEF (Japan Internal Combustion Engine Federation) on 2nd July 2024
was a great success, attended by about 120 members. We would like to express
our sincere gratitude.
JICEF will continue to be active in CIMAC activities and ISO & JIS
(Japanese industrial Standards) activities.
We lookforward to your continued support and cooperation.
- JICEF One Day Seminar was held on 4th December 2023. (In Japanese)
- JICEF One Day Seminar was held on 9th March 2023. (In Japanese)
- JICEF One Day Seminar was held on 22 December 2022. ( In Japanese)
- Certificate of Appreciation for Longstanding Supporting Member from the
Gas Turbine Society of Japan
Japan Internal Combustion Engine Federation (JICEF) was presented with
a Certificate of Appreciation for Long-standing Supporting Member for its
support and cooperation as a corporation member since the society's foundation
at the 50th anniversary celebration of GTSJ.
We would like to thank our members for their understanding and cooperation over the years. We will continue to work with GTSJ to resolve issues in the industries. (2022-11-15)

- JSME Power and Energy Systems Division Contribution Award-Winning
Japan Internal Combustion Engine Federation (JICEF) was honored with the
award for its long-standing contribution to the promotion of the internal
combustion engine industry in Japan. The Power and Energy Systems Division
of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME) presents the Division's
General Award for Contribution, an award that recognizes individuals and
organizations that have mede outstanding contributions to the Division's
events, resaerch and development of power and energy systems technology,
and activities for society.
The award presentation ceremony was held on 4 November 2022 at the 32nd
Seminar & Salon, "Realizing Technologies to Achieve Carbon Neutrality",
and Yasuyuki Takahata, President of JICEF, participated in the ceremony
and received the award. We are deeply grateful for the cooperation of our
members, related industries and academics fro universities that made this
award possible.
We will use this opportunity of further contribute to the relevant industries by disseminating information on solutions to issues such as carbon neutrality through CIMAC and standardization projects.
- JICEF One Day Seminar was held on 5 September 2022. (In Japanese)
- JICEF One Day Seminar (Webinar) was held on 15 February 2022. (In Japanese)
- 4th JICEF Webinar for younger engineers was held on 18 November 2021. (In